New Recipe: Tom's Perfect Martini
This is one of my favorite cocktails that I’ve created. Which is ironic, because it was kind of an accident. I threw it together on a...

New Pages: Southside and Southside Fizz
Spring has sprung, finally! My first warm weather cocktail pages of the year feature two close relatives: the Southside Fizz and the...

New Recipe: The Hanky Panky
Spring still stubbornly refuses to surface, so I am holding off on herbs, fruit and citrus cocktails for now. But I’m not complaining,...

New Recipe: Rolls Royce
The Rolls Royce is an old-school Martini variation and has long been one of my favorites in that category. Naturally, the name is an...

Belated Holiday Update!
Oh man, I've neglected updating this section for the last couple weeks because I've been so busy updating the rest of the site! ...

New Recipe Page: the Port of Call
Thanksgiving approaches! Time to get those cocktail plans in order. Which is why this week I went with the Port of Call - one of my...

New Recipe: The Red Red Rose
Finally returning to Social Hour after a 3 week hiatus. My family and I were in Martha's Vineyard for the last 2 weeks of August. I...

The Silver Gin Fizz and some reorganization.
In addition to cocktail recipes, I've done some logistical work on Social Hour this week. First, I made the site mobile friendly. So...

New Recipe Page: The Green Giant
I posted this page a week ago, so many of you likely saw it. But just so there's a record of it I'm posting it here now too. The Green...

New Recipe Page: The Bramble
While there have been heaps of new cocktails created over the course of the cocktail revival of the last 25 years. Only a handful are...